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Howard Cruse, editor of the first four issues Furry porn gay comic darker side of life serial#

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Syndrome, Satyr, and the cover of issue #3 Robert Triptow, editor of issues #5 through 13īurton Clarke, creator of Cy Ross and the S.Q. Lee Marrs and Trina Robbins, two of the original members of the Wimmen’s Comix Collective. Kitchen Sink Press published the first five issues of Gay Comix thereafter it was published by Bob Ross, publisher of the Bay Area Reporter gay newspaper. The first four issues were edited by Cruse issues #5 through #13 were edited by Triptow. Furry porn gay comic darker side of life series#.Furry porn gay comic darker side of life code#.Furry porn gay comic darker side of life skin#.Furry porn gay comic darker side of life update#.Furry porn gay comic darker side of life serial#.

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